
Pilvinen (21)

Star and Serpent game studio founder, team leader, programmer wannabe, and game designer. Human friendly. Likes to talk. Interested in math, sciences, logic, languages, literature, medieval history, programming, philosophy, and games.

Pilvinen Pilvinen

Bullet parenting trick

In Godot if you have a bullet parented to your player, obviously the bullets will move when the player moves. So you need a node outside of your player hierarchy…

Two mice using a computer mouse
Pilvinen Pilvinen

Node2D double click detection in Godot

Clicks for Node2D based nodes can easily be detected by using CollisionObject2D‘s input_event signal. To capture the mouse clicks we can add an Area2D node and a CollisionShape2D or CollisionPolygon2D…

Pilvinen Pilvinen

Implicit and explicit conversion operators

Implicit and explicit conversion operators allow you to ingegrate your custom types seamlessly with other types by doing implicit or explicit conversions from one type to another. public void SetPositionFromVector3(Vector3…

Pilvinen Pilvinen

Getting GodotXUnit up and Running with Rider

Installation from Github These instructions will explain how to get GodotXUnit integrated to your project and working with Rider. [XunitTestCaseDiscoverer("GodotXUnitApi.Internal.GodotFactDiscoverer", "GodotXUnitApi")] And replace the GodotXUnitApi with your project’s assembly name,…

Pilvinen Pilvinen

Seeded Random Numbers

Sometimes you need pseudo-random numbers which are not dependent on time and which are always reliably identical and given in the same order when ever you re-start the application or…

Pilvinen Pilvinen

Godot MultiMesh SetAsBulkArray Method

This article tries to bridge the gaps and ambiguities in the official Godot documentation for SetAsBulkArray(). We don’t go over everything. But armed with this information you should be able…

Pilvinen Pilvinen

Inheritance with Constructors

Here we call the constructor of the base class A and pass the id as a parameter to initialize _id in the constructor of A class. By doing this way…

360 degrees in a circle
Pilvinen Pilvinen

Introduction to vectors

I'm going to talk a little bit about vectors from my own and from game development perspective. It's by no means complete or definitive description of what vectors are or…

Pilvinen Pilvinen

Data Oriented Design

A few notes on Data Oriented Design. - Study the data access patterns to determine where performance bottlenecks are. - Group things together that are used together. - Avoid creating…

Radians and other units
Pilvinen Pilvinen

Radians to degrees made simple

I was thinking about radians today and how they are annoying and unintuitive to deal with. After thinking about it for a while I realized that when you look at…

Pilvinen Pilvinen

Binary addition

Let's take a look at how binary addition can be done by using bitwise operations. Why would we want to do this? Simply because we can. And also because it's…

Array flattening
Pilvinen Pilvinen

Array flattening

One dimensional arrays, or flat arrays as they are sometimes called, have desirable properties. They are fast. They are simple to access and to iterate through. They can easily be assigned…