Inheritance with Constructors

Here we call the constructor of the base class A and pass the id as a parameter to initialize _id in the constructor of A class.

By doing this way we can avoid unnecessary code duplication.

internal class A {
    string _id;    
    internal A(string id) => _id = id;

internal class B : A {
    string _name;
    internal B(string name) : base(id) => _name = name;

Here we call another constructor inside the same class and create a new Author object from the data provided to the first constructor. This is useful in cases where you already have an object constructed which you want to reuse.

internal class C {
    Author _author;    
    string _message;
    internal C(Author author, string message) {
        _author = author;
        _message = message;

    internal C(string id, string name, string message) : this(new Author(id, name), message) {}

Passing in default values when default values cannot be used.

This example will not compile, but this is what we’d like to do.

public class D {
    public D(string[] myArray = new string[] {"Entry1", "Entry2"}) {}

We can make it work by passing a faked default value.

public class E {
    public E(string[] myArray) {}

    public E() : this(new string[] {"Entry1", "Entry2"}) {}